Change Your Water and Change Your Life!

These testimonials are from individuals who have had tremendous results using this amazing  pure water technology from the only Certified Medical Water System in the World and they simply wish to share their amazing experiences with others…to make the world a better, healthy place!


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Change Your Water and Change Your Life!


01 = Macy – 

When I  first heard of Kangen water, I was skeptical. There was no way that something so simple as water could have such an impact. Water is water..right? 

I read so many testimonials, researched PubMed and Google scholar about Electrolyzed Reduced Water..but still it didn’t click.

One of the biggest things that helped me put two and two together was my little guy. He had chronic ear infections every few months for the first 6 years of his life.

I started giving him 9.5 pH, and for the last year and a half he has not had 1 ear infection. Truly a miracle for our family and little guy. (Golden Retriever 🙂


02 =Sarah – 

NO MORE HEARTBURN – Before drinking Kangen water, I would consistently get heartburn. To the point where I was taking Tums all the time. Spicy foods, coffee, tomato sauce, chocolate!! All of which I love, would give me the worst heartburn. I even started to cut them out of my diet. 

But now I don’t get heartburn at all! So happy I can still get my favorites in. Its amazing the way our bodies heal when given the right tools. 

Not all water is created equal.


03 = Myrah – 

I have dealt with migraines/headaches for as long as I can remember! The summer of 2019 I started to develop constant, 100% of the time migraines. Talk about 7 days a week, all day and night migraines. 

Shortly after, I started to develop tingling, itching, and numbness to my hands, feet, and face. I said to myself there is something not right here! One morning I woke up having a hard time breathing, it felt like I was having a heart attack along with so much pain and pressure in my head. I went into the ER not knowing what was going on with me.

The Neurologist did a MRI and came to find out I had a tumor on the left side of my temporal lobe. (Thankfully, non-cancerous!!) The doc and I went back and forth trying 4 different medications. NOTHING HELPED. I felt so hopeless and was so over all the pain and numbness. 

I then came across Kangen water. I said what did I have to lose at this point right, lol. When I received my water ionizer, after drinking the water fully…After 1 month and 1/2 all of a sudden the tingling, itching, numbness ..WAS GONE!! My headaches have now been reduced to maybe 1 migraine a month and maybe a little headache if I lift to heavy in the gym! 

I am forever thankful for Kangen Water! It is really true when they say, Change Your Water, Change Your Life! The type of water you drink can change everything!


04 = Kimberly – 

TX-I’ve always been health conscious but had never heard of ionized water before. I was intrigued but skeptical. When I first started drinking it, I noticed I felt more energized ( was able to cut back on caffeine) and that it was easier to drink and quenched my thirst more quickly. 

One thing that I did notice right away was that I stopped getting as many canker sores. The only time I’ve gotten any since I got my machine was when I was moving states and I went w/0 the water for a bit. So that’s once in 3 years compared to a few times per year before! I always miss the water when I am traveling and have actually traveled with it for longer trips! 

Everyone should be drinking this water!


05 = Liz – 

UT- I’ve NEVER been health-conscious person before. Not that I was purposely being unhealthy, I just cared more about what tasted good and filled me up more than anything. Now I know better!

Before drinking Kangen water, I was ALWAYS sick with some kind of cold or flu every sick time at work got used a was ANNOYING. 

I also have gotten the most MASSIVE and PAINFUL cold sores since I was little, often swelling up so much that I couldn’t even open my mouth to talk or eat properly. 

Its been 5 months since I’ve been drinking Kangen water regularly, and GUESS WHO HASNT BEEN SICK?? THIS GIRL! Its insane! I’ve felt a tingle in my throat come up twice, and gargled the 2.5 water, and it went away. I’ve gotten 2 cold sores since them as well, and putting the water on it caused the swelling to go down in a day (when it usually takes a WEEK, and that’s WITH medication!) and healed fully in just a few days! My second one didn’t even have a chance to swell up because I used the water Immediately. 

I use the water for lots of things :cleaning, removing my makeup, washing my face, treating cuts, burns, acne, eczema, etc. Its pretty amazing! I wish everyone had it because it would help with so many different issues! 

Changing your water REALLY DOES change your life in expected and unexpected ways!


06 = Lisa – 

My skeptical mother in law suffered from Eczema on 3 of her fingers for 37 years, and had tried every type of cream, medication, exercise, celery juice, diet. You name it, she tried it. Doctors have never been able to figure out what its from. She couldn’t ever use any scented lotion, and never had a manicure in her life because her hands would hurt so much. 

After I got my K8, I told her this water would help. She started drinking the water and used the 11.5, 2.5, and the beauty water on her skin. 5 months later, the cracked, itchy, and burning feeling has gone away. 

The right water was the missing piece. She finally had her 1st manicure, and her eczema is completely gone from her hands. NO MORE DRY, ITCHY skin! 

Water really can heal your body with the right resources!


07 = Marissa – 

I retired Nick from his corporate job, and have absolutely loved Enagic and everything it has to offer. My husband struggled with acne throughout high school, college, post college. He tried all the different meds, including the harshest, Accutane, and nothing helped. 

3 months into drinking Kangen 9.5 and showering in the Anespa daily, his body healed his inflammation (thank you Anespa and beauty water). Now he’s been acne free for 4.5 years! 

I used to get ovarian cysts a few times a year that were so bad, and gotten so big I would wind up in the hospital at least 2xs a year. Since drinking the Kangen 9.5 and taking the Ukon daily, I have not had another cyst and have not been hospitalized for this in over 5 years now! 

My body needed this nourishment in addition to my very active and healthy lifestyle.


08 = Skye – 

I lift weights 5-6 days a week and when I used to do barbell curls, my wrists would start hurting.

When I started taking the Ukon capsules consistently, I found it was my missing piece to feel relief


10 = Amanda – 

My husband sprained his knee and fractured his femur last May. I immediately gave him 5 Ukon capsules a day. 

A week later, we went back to the doctor. She was shocked to see the swelling has reduced and he stopped using his crutches as much.

He still takes a 5 Ukon capsules a day, almost a year later.


11 = Amanda – 

My mom got her K8 in November 2022. She drinks the water and incorporates all the uses in her daily life. Her fingers would always crack open and bleed. 

Band-Aids and ointments wouldn’t help, so she actually glued her fingers back together. 

Since using the water, she hasn’t had a single cracked finder this winter. Her body started healing itself with proper antioxidation.


12 = Shania – 

Being introduced to Enagic was like a dream come true. Not only am I able to build my own businesses, I’m surrounded with people who have the same mindset as me. 

On top of all of that, Enagic helps me live the healthy lifestyle I strive for. Having an immunodeficiency, I needed something to get me through each day. 

The products and water that Enagic provides help me build that inner strength I need. 

I am thankful everyday that I came across this company.


13 = Madi – 

I was a power tumbler and gymnast for over 20 years. As you know, that’s tough on your joints for doing it for that many years. A lot of impact and injury’s have happened, and after I quit, i had to do a lot of training, and rehabilitation to rebuild my limbs, my ankles hurt constantly and knees were super bad. 

I got some help with some training, but I knew I couldn’t go on very many runs (even though I LOVED to run). My knees would give out or swell often. 

After drinking the Kangen water, I could see a dramatic difference, now I’m able to run a lot more often and faster. My ankles and knees barely hurt anymore. 

I know i cant say it was completely the water, but with a combination of proper diet and the right water, I’ve never felt better! In addition to that, the radical changes in my skin is from like night and day. I used to get these boils on the back of my legs, others said it was bug bites, but i knew it wasn’t that. 

After I started using Anespa, my skin is completely clear and there are no boils after having those for years. I used the Anespa on my hair and it has never looked better and healthier, I’m constantly getting compliments from my friends asking “what do you do!” I no longer use conditioner for my hair, and when I get out I used the beauty water for a leave in conditioner. 

I ABSOLUTLY LOVE my products.


14 = Ryan – 

CA – Hello. First I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2, chronic back pain, and thyroid issues where I had to take medicine for both my thyroid and diabetes. Sometimes my back would be so bad I couldn’t get out of bed. I do exercise (walking daily) and try to eat healthy but I continued to take medication for 5 years before my friend told me about the Kangen water. 

My wife was familiar with alkaline water, she studied the benefits alkaline water can have for people with cancer or for prevention of cancers (she has a history with cancer in her family). 

We didn’t hesitate getting the Enagic SD501 and we couldn’t be happier and healthier!! My diabetes is COMPLETLY under control(no medication)and I’m pain FREE!!! 

My wife she calls the Enagic SD501 machine her PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE MACHINE!!


15 = Shirley – 

MB – I am amazed dear friends by this simple water technology. All i did was drink lots, of this Kangen Ionized water for 2 weeks, and the aching from the arthritis in my hands and knees, and the pains in my back and neck , simply dissolved right out of my body. 

For the past 6 years I had been drinking the purified enhanced filter water from “—” It kept me healthy but did not stop the degenerative diseases from attacking my body. 

Now I am drinking freshly made Kangen water, which will keep me whole, healthy, energized and youthful for a long time.


16 = Kate – 

CA – I had chronic ear infection in my right ear for 13 years. During this time I have had seven ear operations (8months ago) to try and solve the problem. Each time I had a mastoidectomy, rebuild ear drum which involved a skin graph, and rebuild ear canal to help with swelling. Each time the recovery took 2 months and the skin graph never took hold or healed properly. 

I was in severe pain and had constant infections. The medications I took included antibiotics, prednisone, Vicodin, Mucinex and massive amounts of Tylenol. I was told I was auto immune and would just have to live with the conditions.

After drinking Kangen water for 1 week, the pain was gone, so much that I forgot to make my monthly appointment with my ear doctor. 

After 2 weeks my ear has completely healed, no medication, no pain, no infection. For the first time in 13 years I am FREE! It is like being reborn! 

The saying is really true. Change Your Water Change Your Life!! Thank you, Thank you.


17 = Piplena –

OR – 2 years ago I was told I had asthma, so I had to use a inhaler. Actually 3 different inhalers and it was very expensive. 

But a month ago I started to drink Kangen water and I know this, my asthma is GONE. I can sit there when someone is smoking and I don’t have any problem breathing.


18 = Dave – 

FL – After drinking the water for 2 months my cholesterol came down from 255 to 178. My doctor had been trying to get me on medication for over 2 years but I refused and tried every natural way I could find it to come down. 

Every 6 months I would have my blood checked and the doctor told me it was still high and that I was just one of those peoples who’s liver just produces to much cholesterol. After he saw the sudden drop in my numbers he wanted to know what I had done. 

I told him about the water and he was very intrigued and told me to just keep doing what I was doing. I keep drinking the water and now have noticed the arthritis in my knees is less painful and now I can play sports what I haven’t been able to play in years such as, Judo, softball. I now tell everyone about my experience.


19 = Rosemarie – 

Our Kangen water machine absolutely changed our family life including my mother, siblings, and the whole family. 

My doctor used to call me a walking time bomb because of my fluctuating high blood pressure but when I started drinking Kangen water, my blood pressure became stable and was gradually within the normal range. 

My husband was experiencing acid reflux and arthritis and had sleepless nights for months but when he started drinking the Kangen water, all became normal and no more sleepless nights. 

I love my Mom and will make sure that her health is my priority and that is why when you see her, she doesn’t look 79 years old but rather 65 years as other said to her, all because Kangen water is part of her life and she is enjoying it! 

Thank you Enagic.


20 = Mike – 

My sons girlfriend was trying to get me to drink Kangen water but I still considered myself bulletproof and didn’t need any magic water. Then I saw the machine made 6 pH water that was perfect for my aeroponic growing towers. 

I put some in and saw growth in towers explode in 48 hours. That got my attention. 

I started drinking the water and purchased my own machine. I also began to use it for smoothies made from the veggies I was growing. 

It was the water that made me begin to take my health seriously. I lost 40 pounds in the past 16 months and have made many changes, and I’m no longer pre-diabetic and haven’t felt this good in years. 

Use your machine to grow, and eat healthy food.


21 = Marie – 

I am 46 and I feel like I am 30!! I used to have terrible back pain, headaches, digestive health, stomachaches, sciatica, and really low energy. I wasn’t healthy at all! 

Now I feel like I could take on the world! My back pain and sciatica are completely gone, I never get headaches anymore, my IBS is not a problem at all and I just have this overwhelming sense of confidence in my health and future. 

Not only have the products changed my life and my health, but the business has literally upgraded my life beyond anything I could ever imagine! I am so grateful I have found this!

And many many more!!!!! 🙂 



Enagic Equipment and Kangen Brand make NO CLAIMS that these testimonials can and will do the same for you. 

These Testimonials are NOT an endorsement from Enagic and the Kangen Brand and in no way connected. 

Always check with your own Medical Provider on what is the best medical solution for you.